@extends('panel.layout.settings', ['disable_tblr' => true]) @section('title', __('Two Factor Authentication')) @section('titlebar_actions', '') @section('settings') @if (Google2FA::isActivated())

@lang('2FA is activated!')

{{ __('Deactivate 2FA') }}

@lang('Enable 2FA')

@lang("To enable 2FA, you'll need the Google Authenticator App. You can download it from the App Store or Google PlayStore.")

@lang("Use your phone's camera to scan the QR Code below. If scanning isn't an option, you can manually input the key into your app.") @lang('Manual Key:') {!! $secret !!}

{!! $qrCode !!}

@lang('Please input the 6-digit verification code displayed on your Google Authenticator app to finalize the process and activate 2FA.')

{{ __('Enable 2FA') }}
@endif @endsection @push('script') @endpush